

2022-05-26 10:33:39   来源:中国能源网   浏览:228 评论(0



柬埔寨:比亚迪和New East Solar

马来西亚:Hanwha Q CELLS和晶科


越南:Boviet Solar和Vina Solar Technology (LONGi)

其中,Boviet Solar、NewEast Solar均为中国光伏企业,Vina Solar Technology 为隆基控股。美国商务部表示,由于每个受影响的国家都有“大量的出口商或生产商”,因此“单独检查每家企业以确定该企业是否在规避AD/CVD是不切实际的,检查所有这些出口商/生产商将需要大量资源。”


根据计划,美国商务部将于2022年8 月30 日提交调查的初步结果,以及受影响产品所有进口商的初步关税税率,并于2023年1月26日作出最终决定。


此前2月2日,美国Auxin太阳能公司提交了一份请愿书,要求美国商务部彻查越南、泰国、马来西亚和柬埔寨四个东南亚国家进口的太阳能产品,认为中国企业通过该地区组装太阳能产品出口美国,以维持低生产成本并规避现有的反倾销和反补贴(AD / CV)关税制裁。随后美国商务部于2022年3月25日发起了针对该地区的全国性规避调查,如果发现违规,将对进入美国的太阳能电池板征收50-250%的关税。






The Dept. of Commerce has released the names of the mandatory respondents in the AD/CVD circumvention investigation currently happening in the solar industry.

The department, which is looking at solar cell and panel manufacturers in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam that use components from China and whether the companies are circumventing Chinese tariffs in the process, sent out questionnaires in early April looking for export details. Seventy-six questionnaires were issued (Cambodia: 12, Malaysia: 20, Thailand: 18, Vietnam: 26) and two companies from each country will be investigated further. Commerce chose these specific companies due to their high quantity of exports to the United States.

The companies chosen include:

Cambodia: BYD and New East Solar

Malaysia: Hanwha Q CELLS and JinkoSolar

Thailand: Canadian Solar and Trina Solar

Vietnam: Boviet Solar and Vina Solar Technology (LONGi)

Commerce said that since there are a “large number of exporters or producers” in each of the affected countries, it would “not be practicable to individually examine each of them to determine whether each one is circumventing the Orders. Examining all of these exporters/producers would require significant resources.”

DOC will now do a deep-dive into the manufacturing and exporting processes at these eight companies. The department will look into whether any Chinese wafers, silane, silver paste, solar glass, aluminum frames, junction boxes, EVA sheets and backsheets were used in exported cells and modules, and whether the eight companies have direct relationships with Chinese manufacturers that would allude to attempts at AD/CVD circumvention.

Commerce should present preliminary findings of its investigation on August 30, 2022, along with a preliminary duty rate for all importers of the affected products. A final decision would then be made on January 26, 2023.

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